So Many Things to Teach, So Many Things to Learn
Moms, do you ever get the feeling that you have soooo many things to teach your little ones? I do! Sometimes I think there's just so much I want him to know and understand. Or like there are a lot of things that he absolutely needs to know and understand. But, I can't help but to sometimes feel like I can't get it all in him. Does this make any sense to anyone except me? I mean really, there are such things as numbers and counting, colors and shapes, reading and writing and so much more! In my home, we strongly believe and stand on the word of God in our daily lives. So, my husband and I make great efforts to instill Godly principles and values within our children. Such as faith and love and kindness and honesty and all those things the bible teaches up about. Not to mention the "basics" like, who God is and what He has created and things of that nature. However, sometimes I think "am I really getting everything he needs to know in there!?" The truth is,...