A Mother is MANY things....

She's A:
    Related image
  1. Mom
  2. Wife
  3. Daughter
  4. Cook/Personal Chef
  5. Cleaning Expert
  6. Counselor
  7. Playmate
  8. Comforter
  9. Boo Boo Kisser
  10. Keeper of the Home
  11. Grocery Shopper
  12. Super fixer upper (you can fix anything! or so they think!)
  13. Manicurist /Pedicurist 
  14. Barber and a Hairstylist
  15. Professional Groomer
  16. Massage Therapist
  17. Chair (everyone sits on her)
  18. Bed (everyone sleeps on her)
  19. Stylist (dresses everyone in the house)
  20. Law Enforcer 
Did I miss anything...? (lol)
Moms, you do A LOT and it never goes unnoticed. Keep up the GREAT work!


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