When You Feel Like Giving Up
So, there are those days for me when I completely feel like closing myself off in another room away from all the children and just staying there for the remainder of the week! LOL. As much as I love these little people I call my children, they have the ability to work every single nerve that I have managed to salvage throughout the years! Let's just be real moms, there are those days when you just plain ol' feel like giving up! But here's the thing, we're moms. Giving up is simply not an option. Perhaps you've felt like dropping your kids off on the corner and driving in the opposite direction. Or, perhaps you've felt like "I'm leaving my husband, these crazy kids and everything associated with them and starting a new life." Whichever scenario you've dreamed about in your mind, be encouraged in knowing that today is today, but there will be a tomorrow. God willing. Love your children, enjoy the moments. The "bad" moments are not all that bad after all. Look for the good in them. Chances are you're just a bit stressed out from all that you do busy mom. I've found that what really works for me, is simply getting out of the house. Even if it is with all three of my children. A quick run to the store with some worship playing on the radio on the way works wonders. Not just for me, but for my little troops as well. Sometimes kids get tired of being cooped up inside just like we do. Whatever works for you mom, do it. Do whatever you need to do to hold on to your sanity. So that you can be the best mom you can be to your children and so that you can also be the best wife your husband needs you to be for him. It's a tall order, being a mom, but hey somebody has to do it. Who better than YOU. You can do it!! Despite what you may be feeling like today, or what you've have to endure. YOU CAN DO IT. Don't give up. You are completely equipped to handle this job. Yes, it is truly a job. You work overtime, there are rarely vacations, no sick days and the pay is... well, non existent. However, the true benefits are not what you get in money. It's what you get in hugs, in little kisses, in the "thanks mom" in the warm smiles from the happiness of your children. Those are the benefits, and just SOME to say the least. Be encouraged dear moms!
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