Mom You Rock!!
Great big shout out to all the moms waking up at the crack of dawn to cook her family breakfast so that no one wakes up hungry and without food. Kudos to the moms who were up super late giving everyone baths, cooking dinner, cleaning up from dinner and putting everyone to sleep on time. High five to the moms who can stir spaghetti with one hand and play sword fighting with her little tike with a wooden spoon in the other hand. You're awesome!! Great big huggies to the moms waking up in the middle of the night to breastfeed like a hundred times or to make their hungry little baby a nice warm bottle of milk. You may have bags under your eyes in the morning, but you rock for making that sacrifice for your child! You're doing an AWESOME job! You were built for this mom. You can do it! Keep up the good work! And let us not be weary in well doing, for in due season we shall reap if we faint not (Galatians 6:9)
#be encouraged #motherhood # don't give up #parenting
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