3 Tips for Busy Moms to Have A Prayer Life

Prayer... My grandmother used to say it's as easy as you talking to God and God talking you. Although as moms, it may sometimes feel as though you just can't find the time to pray and talk to God. As moms there are a million different things that you have to do each day and like a million tasks pulling you and your attention away from God. Among the noise and activities of your life and family it can be difficult to quiet life down long enough to pray. Truth is this... prayer can no longer be optional in the life of a believer, and especially not in the life of a mother. Our children are going to need the prayers of their mother. But HOW do we do this? You may be asking yourself, I'm going to give you 3 significant tips here today that will help you regain your focus on prayer. There have been many times I've heard a mother say she wishes she had a greater prayer life but she just can't figure out how to make it happen. How many times have you felt the prompti...