Fun Games and Activities for Kids to Play Indoors!
Wondering what to do with your kids when you're stuck at home all day? Our FUN list of activities will keep those kids busy and burning off some much needed energy in no time! Kids of all ages, can participate in these family fun games and activities!!!
No matter where you may live in the world there's always a reason you may get caught indoors. A rainy day, snow perhaps or it could be just about ANYTHING! The kids don't care about any of that, kids just wanna have FUN! These games will not only combat boredom but will also get those little muscles MOVING! (Win, Win!)
One of my kids favorite things to do is play with BALLOONS!!
Balloons will always be a FAV among kids! So here's a fun kid friendly game your kids can play with or without you (another WIN WIN!) Now, this game does require you to set it up, but after that you are free and clear, if you wanna be. Younger kids can play this with the older siblings and if you want you can leave them in charge of this game. It's totally up to you. I personally LOVE to play this game with my little people!1. Blow up at least 10 multi-color balloons. If you can handle doing more, GO FOR IT!
2. Hide the balloons in different places around the house. In the pantry, under a chair, on top of their pillow, in the laundry basket... you get the idea, right?
3. Have the kid(s) search for the balloons by color. Simply call out which color to start with. (ie... "everyone find the red balloon")
That's it! First person to find the color WINS that color OR if you have multiple reds for example, once each child finds a red balloon they have succeeded everybody did great and everyone is happy!
Another great Balloon Game is POP THE BALLOON!

This is fun and FUNNY! For the kids at least. Mom, you may get tired of hearing all the POPS from the balloons. But I promise you kids find this hilarious and FUN!!! Here's how you play... and it's soooo simple! It doesn't get any easier than this!!
1. Blow up as many balloons as your lungs can stand! lol Hey you can even have the little ones help you out if they can.
2. Throw them up in the air and let the kids go wild popping as many balloons as they can! Now, there are no sharp objects allowed. To pop the balloons they have to sit on them with their bottom. Fun right!!? The kids sure will think so!
Draw a Funny Face!
This will excite the little artist in your kids!
Blow up any color balloon they like, hand them a marker (washable of course) and let them draw a funny face on the balloon!
With multiple balloons, this will keep them entertained for at least an hour, maybe more!
You're welcome! Now, please be sure to supervise small children with this activity. They may be inspired to write on the walls (uh ohhh). good thing is, they are using washable marker!
Ok, enough of the balloon games and activities (although I do have a ton more!!) Message me if you'd like to see some more balloon activities.
Another favorite indoor activity for kids Sticky Note Wall Plop:
Attach 26 sticky notes to the back of any door and write a different letter on each one of them (in random order). Make a “start” line a few feet away from the door and have your child stand behind it with a soft ball, stuffed animal or pair of rolled up socks! Now instruct them to throw the object and hit the “A” or the “N”.
Kids with more advanced aim and or spelling skills can try and hit all the letters in specific words (hit the letters that spell a word like "Frog", F-R-O-G) To make even more interesting you can add points to the back side of each letter. At the end of the game, whomever has the most point WINS! Playing with points is completely optional. Want to include a bit of exercise with this game? Get the kids moving with clean up time. Make them responsible for picking up the stuffed animals or rolled up pairs of socks. They can even possibly help with removing the sticky notes.
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