
Showing posts from December, 2019

You're the Best Mom for the Job!

Do you ever struggle with the feeling of inadequacy as a mother? Like someone else would be more equipped to take care and raise your children better than you?  If so, i'm speaking to you today precious mom, yes YOU! I want to be a voice of encouragement to you today and say, you dear mom are the BEST mom for the job! With bags under your eyes... you're still the best! With rebellious're the best! Without a clue on how to start... you're still the best! For the job. You have been hand made and specially selected by God to carry out your role as mother. If God see's you fit, where do your own self doubts come from? Could it be comparison that has your heart uneasy? Measuring yourself to what you see in others is not ideal,  however it has been found to be very common. Mothers get so caught up in what they think they see in others that they drive themselves into a frenzy attempting to compete with what they THINK they see in someone else. Can ...

NEW PODCAST ALERT!!! - Enjoying Christmas WITHOUT the Stress

I have some GREAT News to share with the Mother's With Love followers... I have created a Mother's with Love PODCAST!!! That's right, a podcast geared specifically toward moms. So rather you are cooking breakfast, cleaning the bathroom, folding laundry, working out at the gym or wherever you are, you can join in on the podcast for constant support and encouragement from Mother's with Love! I'm so excited to share with you all that I have in store. You can listen in to the podcast from many different platforms such as Anchor , Spotify, Radio Public and Google Podcasts! (Direct links to all platforms found at anchor, click above) Join me on the podcast today as I discuss the importance of remembering why we celebrate Christmas and remind you to avoid the stress of it all. From hosting holiday parties to buying the "perfect" Christmas gift for everyone on your list the holidays can be become stressful IF we are not careful to avoid the stress. It is ...

Your Children ARE Affected By the Way You Speak to Them

     Children are imitators, they imitate what they see and what they hear. It's how they are so uniquely designed by God. That being said, I want to remind you today that the way you speak to your children DOES affect them, be it negatively or positively. We sometimes think that because they are children, smaller in size in comparison to us and we have been given charge over them as parents, that we can speak to them in whatever way we chose with whatever type of emotion we may be feeling at the moment. Nothing can be farther from the truth at all.      It's heavy on my heart right now to express the importance of simply being mindful how we speak to our children on a daily basis. I myself am being stretched in this very area.When our children are well behaved and our stress levels are at a low it's easy to be kind. How about those times when our children are not so well behaved... How do you speak to them then? When you're angry and your stress level...

Be Encouraged Weary Mom!

We are moms, and the fact of the matter is we DO grow weary! Why? Some may dare to ask, is because though we are doing the very good work of the Lord in raising our children, it's hard work! Much like any other responsibility that you put your all into day after day. Part of my mission is help weary moms stay encouraged and grow in the faith knowing that there IS JOY in motherhood. No one said the road was going to be easy or smooth sailing, there will be many bumps and lumps along the way, but I find comfort in knowing that I'm never alone on the journey. Jesus tells us that he will never leave us or forsake us. What an awesome promise to have from the father! God has to be our source of strength in life and in motherhood. We are human, and like I said motherhood is hard work. I've never known anyone who hasn't at some point grown weary along life's journey. I think it's vitally important to know and understand the season of life you are in right now. Also, ...