NEW PODCAST ALERT!!! - Enjoying Christmas WITHOUT the Stress
I have some GREAT News to share with the Mother's With Love followers... I have created a Mother's with Love PODCAST!!! That's right, a podcast geared specifically toward moms. So rather you are cooking breakfast, cleaning the bathroom, folding laundry, working out at the gym or wherever you are, you can join in on the podcast for constant support and encouragement from Mother's with Love! I'm so excited to share with you all that I have in store. You can listen in to the podcast from many different platforms such as Anchor, Spotify, Radio Public and Google Podcasts!
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Join me on the podcast today as I discuss the importance of remembering why we celebrate Christmas and remind you to avoid the stress of it all. From hosting holiday parties to buying the "perfect" Christmas gift for everyone on your list the holidays can be become stressful IF we are not careful to avoid the stress. It is doable! The holidays do not have to be stressful. They are what you make it. So I encourage you today to make it a wonderful, memorable time with your families and friends this holiday season. Christmas is a time to be cherished and loved, not dreaded. Lending Tree recently reported that 61% of people in the US dread the Christmas season because of the stress of spending! Wow! This number shocked me in a way, but on the other hand, after reading some of these posts on social media I see why people are so stressed.
I honestly believe we as mothers stress ourselves out unnecessarily at Christmas trying to be everything to everybody. We feel some sort of pressure to be sure we buy our kids bunches of presents at Christmas, even when it's not affordable. We stress ourselves about buying extended family gifts, like moms and dads, nieces and nephews and everyone else in our lives. However, if we were to take a moment to look at Christmas for what it really is, we would be more focused on sharing love and kindness to those in need and our families too. Love and kindness are a gift that costs you nothing at all and outweighs any physical gift you could ever give.
Episode: Enjoying Christmas Without the Stress!
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