Be Encouraged Weary Mom!

No one said the road was going to be easy or smooth sailing, there will be many bumps and lumps along the way, but I find comfort in knowing that I'm never alone on the journey. Jesus tells us that he will never leave us or forsake us. What an awesome promise to have from the father! God has to be our source of strength in life and in motherhood. We are human, and like I said motherhood is hard work. I've never known anyone who hasn't at some point grown weary along life's journey. I think it's vitally important to know and understand the season of life you are in right now. Also, vitally important to be encouraged while you're yet in it.
Sometimes moms are weighed down with so much. Such as heaviness, grief, worry and even despair, but can I just encourage you today to hold on. . Hang in there precious mom, you got this! Because God has you!
The bible tells us to be not weary in well doing, for in due season we will reap if we faint not. God knows we have the ability to grow weary, but he encourages us to not be weary in our well doing. When we trust God to be our help, it makes things so much easier. We often get frustrated trying to figure everything out ourselves and the truth is it will slowly drive you insane. I implore you to let God into every part of your life, even motherhood. The things that concern you, Go cares about. Take it to God in prayer precious mom.
Are you in need of constant encouragement along your journey of motherhood??? Subscribe to our blog!😊 I would love to connect with you. Check out my book for the weary mom for even MORE encouragement and support. There's even a devotional included!
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