Your Children ARE Affected By the Way You Speak to Them

     Children are imitators, they imitate what they see and what they hear. It's how they are so uniquely designed by God. That being said, I want to remind you today that the way you speak to your children DOES affect them, be it negatively or positively. We sometimes think that because they are children, smaller in size in comparison to us and we have been given charge over them as parents, that we can speak to them in whatever way we chose with whatever type of emotion we may be feeling at the moment. Nothing can be farther from the truth at all.

     It's heavy on my heart right now to express the importance of simply being mindful how we speak to our children on a daily basis. I myself am being stretched in this very area.When our children are well behaved and our stress levels are at a low it's easy to be kind. How about those times when our children are not so well behaved... How do you speak to them then? When you're angry and your stress levels are at an all time high because of the children or anything else, how do you treat them? Are you mindful at all of the words that leave your lips? Words carry much weight especially in the heart and mind of a child.

     Some of the words we find ourselves speaking to our children were words we heard our own parents say to us when we were younger. Although we never liked it then, we carry on this unhealthy cycle of misspoken words to our children and the cycle can continue on thru future generations if we're not careful. Just because your parents did it and their parents did it to them does not mean you have to do it to your children.  Am I saying you can't get angry? NO, what I am saying is if you do get angry with your children as opposed to just responding out of anger THINK about who you're talking to and respond properly. Choose to use words that will edify and teach them so that they grow to learn from the experience and not grow having to heal from it. I  don't know about you, but I truly want to raise tiny humans who grow into big humans who use care and empathy towards others. This is taught first at home by parents.

The bible teaches us about love and we know that the greatest love of all shown to us is the gift of a savior Jesus Christ. We all love our children, right? In it all, the happy, the sad, the good and the bad, we love them with this unending love. The bible also teaches us that love is patient, so be mindful to use patience with children. It teaches us that love is kind, so be kind to them. Love is not easily angered... Whew! This part right here!! Children have a way of quickly drawing us to anger, but God tells us that in love we are not to be easily angered. There's another scripture that says to be slow to anger because mans anger does not produce the righteousness of God. I don't know about you, but I desire to be the best mom I can be to my children. The only way I can do this is with the help of the Lord and to do things his way.

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.
 1 Corinthians 13:4,5

Know this, my beloved brothers: let every person be quick to hear, slow to speak, slow to anger;  for the anger of man does not produce the righteousness of God.
James 1:19,20

      We raise our children to believe in God and his word and to walk in the ways of the Lord. If our children are watching us then we have to show them Gods character in us! We can't tell them to treat people with kindness and they see us treat them and others unjustly. Be their example right there at home. I am a firm believer that we as parents should be our children's greatest influence in the earth. They are watching you precious mom and they are listening.

   All I basically want to convey in this article is that we should be more mindful! Not to always find ourselves screaming and shouting at our children because foolishness is bound in their hearts (proverb 22). Mindful not to react to situations in anger, mindful to move in love while still offering stern discipline and correction when needed. Please do not misinterpret what I'm saying. I am not in any way saying we can't get angry. I'm not in any way saying we shouldn't discipline our children, and I'm not in any way saying everything is going to  always be cupcakes and roses.  I know some people are going to read this and offense will set in their hearts, and some will automatically dismiss what I say based on stubbornness and pride or the know it all's who think they have it allll figured out already. However, all I am saying is do some self searching and take a look at how you can possibly do things a little bit differently with your own children going forward from day to day. . We all need to revise and redo sometimes. It's OK. You're not a terrible mom, person or parent. You are human and it's OK to admit "Lord I need your help to be Mom".


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