Suffering In Darkness as a Child of Light

As believers we have been brought out of darkness into the marvelous light of Jesus Christ. How is it then that some of us are yet suffering in silent darkness. Are you a woman who is suffering in darkness today? Do you find yourself overcome with feelings of sadness that no one around you knows about? Do you hide away in a quiet room some days to cry? Are you suffering through life and motherhood with no joy? Do you feel lost and alone? Well you don't have to suffer alone. You don't HAVE to suffer in motherhood at all. Today, we call you OUT of darkness and depression. There is an answer to your trouble and his name is JESUS! As believers in Christ, saved from sin by the blood of the lamb, we are called to be children of light in the earth. We should not be as others who know not Christ. We are to know him, and in such a way shine like him in the earth. The bible tells us that we were once in darkness (before we came to follow Jesus and know his truth) but are...