Worried About Raising Children in THIS World?

With everything happening in the world these days it's easy to find yourself being worried about raising your children and them growing up in a world filled with so much hatred, violence and an evident lack of genuine love. The way we view the world now, as mothers, is probably much different than we have ever viewed the world around us. Did anyone else view the world and things differently after becoming a mother? Now, instead of just you to think about you have a whole other life form (or in some cases multiple ones) to think about! I mean that's a tall order, you are responsible for another life! As if being responsible for your own wasn't difficult enough. You now have a new generation of other people to think about and that's deep. Then add on everything we have seen and experienced in the last year and the last few days going into the new year and well, my heart just crushes a bit thinking about the future for our little ones. BUT.... When I cast my human flesh ...