Peace in the Storm

So much is happening in our world today and much i'm sure is changing in your life. Through it all you may be struggling to hold on to peace in the midst of the storm. It's important in times like these (and in all times) to remember the promises of the Lord. Promises such as I will never leave you or forsake you. I come to declare to you today that you CAN have peace in the middle of a storm! Even though things are tough, maybe a bit rocky or to the point where it is out of your control, hold on to peace. Don't allow circumstances to disrupt the peace God has given you. Keep your heart and mind stayed on Jesus. "You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you because he trusts in you." -Isaiah 26:3- While it may be difficult to hold on to peace in the midst of turmoil and while signs of anxiety rear it's head, remember this: God is with you and He is always in control. Nothing you can be experiencing right now in life has caught God by ...