Organize Don't Agonize-Homeschool Ready

Organize DON'T Agonize If you're anything like me, staying organized is VITAL in your everyday life of mommying (yes, made that up, lol). As many of you homeschool moms start off the school year, let me offer you some tips for keeping you and your little ones focused. Organization is key! Having a plan to stick to and keeping things organized will help you tremendously!! In our home we are preparing for our second year of homeschooling (woo hoooo!!). So, we are rather new to this ourselves, but I learned a lot after my first year that I believe will help some other moms who may just be starting out or someone who may just need some help getting organized his yeart. So, let's take a look... Mother's with Love Homeschool Room Write out a plan for the entire year - Now, if the very thought of this overwhelms you, have no fear (lol). You CAN do this! I started out by writing what exactly should be learned by the end of the year, according to age...