Help for Parents- Communicating About COVID-19 with Your Kids
With all the schools closing and everything happening around the world with the recent coronavirus, your children may have some questions as to what is really happening and we as parents have a responsibility to explain to them what's going on. We can do so clearly and calmly, while still informing them with truth. So, you may be wondering... HOW? Let's talk about some ways you can explain to your kids what's happening in our country and our world!
I look at this national state emergency as a time to teach! Being a homeschool mom we learn a lot about what is happening around us everyday. So, while some may decide to try and shield their children from the reality of what is happening, I think it is much wiser to take the opportunity to teach them about what is going on without allowing fear to settle in their precious hearts. Just because they are children does not mean this national crisis doesn't involve them, it involves us all. What I mean by that is this... We all have a responsibility to be extra cautious to exercise good hygiene and avoid everyday things we find easy or second nature to do such as shaking hands, hugging people, etc.
Also, if your children go to school everyday, they may be looking for more clarity as to why there is no school right now. Well either seeking more clarity or super glad! Either way, let's have a reassuring conversation with our children about what is happening in the world today.

Some of your older children may be hearing the news, reading papers or following what's happening on social media. For some, this can make them anxious, fearful or just overall worried about themselves or loved ones catching this virus. Let us be a safe place our children can come and communicate how they feel or what they think while providing useful information and reassurance.

In every way possible I try to make sure I am pointing my children to Christ. In this instance I also see an opportunity to show them and tell them that even though there is a lot happening in and around the world today, God is still in control! Be careful to not allow yourself as the parent to fall into fear and hysteria as this will clearly communicate to your child that you are not trusting and leaning on the Lord as you have always taught them. Instead, clear your heart and mind, begin to pray. Let your children see and hear you pray during this time as well. How great would it be to come together as a family and pray for our country. What coming together to pray aloud does is allows your child to see that though there is fear or famine in the land, God has not given us as believers the spirit of fear, but rather love, power and of a sound mind. What do believers do in times of trouble? We pray! The bible tells us that men ought to always pray! So, take your position of prayer precious mom and use this moment to show your kids how to do the same. Now, i'm not saying this is the only time we pray or the only time your children see you pray. However, what I am saying is take advantage of the opportunity to show them the way. Let your children SEE you trusting God, believing God, praying to God for help. They will remember these moments as they grow older.
In all things we must be diligent and wise. So, though we are not fearful of the virus that is spreading, we are mindful to use wisdom and prepare ourselves, our families and our homes against this virus by washing our hands and avoiding physical contact with others as much as possible, stocking our homes with toiletries, food and water, etc. This information should be clearly communicated to your children as well.
Now, let's outline some ways you can help your child
2. Be HONEST With Them: As your children inquire and asks questions, just be open and honest about what is happening. Even if they are not asking questions, be informative as to what is happening without instilling fear. Remember you are there to reassure and help them, not scare them. Explain the importance of being wise and clean, especially now.

3. Remind Them What Gods Word Says: God has NOT given us the spirit of fear (2 Timothy 1:7). So, a lot of the world is in a panic and fearful when it comes to this coronavirus, however we should not be afraid, we should be prepared. Explain this to your children so that they too do not get fearful. Teach them that in times such as this, and at all times we stand on the word of God. Though this is a big issue around the world right now, our God is bigger! and he will always cover and protect his people.
4. Pray as a Family: Now is the time to pray! Actually it's been time well before now, but... Set aside the tv's, the tablets, and everything else and pray! It's what believers do! Pray for our nation, pray for those in need, pray for those who have already been effected and their families, pray for your city and neighborhood, just pray! God hears the cry of the righteous.
We are praying for you, your families and our nation as a whole! Be blessed!
Mothers With Love
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