Do Your Children See the Character of God In YOU?

Join me on the podcast today as I discuss the importance of displaying Godly character for your children to see. Often times we are mindful to show Christ to others as a witness outside of our homes, but what are we displaying at home to our children when no one else is watching?
I've said it before and I will say it again...
You as a parent are your child(s) greatest influence in the earth. They are watching you, following you and what are you showing them, is it Christ? As they follow you are you leading them to Jesus?
We have to live a life of holiness, just like Jesus. A life that exhibits the Love of Jesus. Walk in such a way everyday, that our children can see what we are teaching them about Jesus Christ.
Listen in and please feel free to subscribe to this blog to stay encouraged in your call as a mother. I love you precious mom, and God loves you too!
Podcast: Do Your Children See Gods Character in You?
Podcast: Do Your Children See Gods Character in You?
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