There IS JOY in Motherhood!

There is JOY in Motherhood! Listen, I know first hand that the life of motherhood comes with it's share of struggles. Motherhood is often times described my others as the hardest job in the world! And I believe it is! Days are often filled with clutter and confusion, if you're not careful, but in the midst of it all there is great Joy that cannot be measured. Thank God we are not in this alone. The Lord is our help. For me personally, the last week of mommy life has been rough! With kids fighting, loud screams and constant crying, it's been a bit frustrating. Not to mention I am preparing for our homeschool year as well (that's a whole other story). However, i'm reminded by the holy spirit that you must constantly look for and remember the joy in it all. Our kids can give us the biggest headaches, but they also fill our hearts and lives with an abundance of Joy! They are uniquely designed this way. When your life is full of clutter, mess and confusion, it m...