How do you FEEL about FALL?!?

It's that special time of year again... Autumn!! Or as most of us like to call it, FALL!!! I simply LOVE the Fall season! Some of things I love most is the cool crisp air,warm sweaters, cute boots, the beautiful colors of the changing trees and the sweet smell of pumpkin and spice just about everywhere you go! However, I see that during this time of the year as the skies get cloudy and the air gets cooler, some people find themselves sinking down into a state of depression. Can I encourage you for just a moment? You be the one who dictates how you feel, not the weather. If you find yourself starting to feel groggy and depressed as the seasons change, you need to find a hobby or SOMETHING that aids in lifting your spirit. Figure out what types of things make you happy. What types of things make you smile. Writing in a journal perhaps, sewing, cooking, reading...just to name a few. Often times what happens to your mood has nothing to do with the actual weather, its more internal or mental. During the Summer months, the sun is shinning, the birds are singing and there are lots of activities to do in an around your city. As the season changes into fall people find themselves not as active or "happy". Get up and get active! Do something! Exercise is actually a great way to get your blood moving, and studies show that exercise actually has a huge affect on your mood and mental health. It's a great stress reliever. Now, from a more spiritual standpoint, I encourage you to do like the apostle Paul says in the word of God... think on things that are true, honest, just and pure (Philippians 4:8). If you can change your thoughts, you have the ability to change your day and your life! Paul, the apostle also writes in the book of Philippians 4:6- that we should be careful or anxious for NOTHING: but rather in everything we should be praying and giving thanks to God and making our requests known to God. He goes on to tell us that the God of peace which passes all understanding, will keep our hearts AND minds through Christ Jesus. Keep your focus precious mom and ENJOY this season.

-Mother's With Love-


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